football in science teaching

On 2 June 2016 Science on Stage Germany will present the new teaching material ‘iStage 3 – Football in Science Teaching‘ at the Representation of the State of Hessen to the European Union in Brussels. The brochure was developed by 20 teachers from 15 European countries. In 12 teaching units the brochure shows how students can be fascinated for STEM with exciting topics and questions round about the popular sport ‘football’: from the game itself to the biological and health’ aspects of the players to the environmental issues when organising a big international sports event like the European Football Championship. Science on Stage is honoured by the commitment of Mr. Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, to convey a personal greeting. Learn more about ‘iStage 3’ here.

Find the official invitation flyer here.


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